Danger can come with the change in seasons

By Lisa Ackerman For many families summer is filled with fun activities, vacations and almost always involves WATER! This sounds fun. And it is fun! I have fond memories of summer time shenanigans with my family and friends. For families living with autism the summer season can be the exact opposite of fun. It can... Continue Reading →

Autism: It’s about the POOP Part II

  By Lisa Ackerman Once again, warning: If you are eating or you are bothered by a conversation about bowel movements, this blog is not for you. If you have a child living with autism, welcome to the most discussed topic.  If this blog sounds familiar, it should! We have written about it before (1.) ... Continue Reading →

TACA is matchautism.com?

By Lisa Ackerman Dating? I never thought that this would ever be a title for a TACAnowblog. Somehow I knew the issue would come up some day, but how? First, I am so happy to share this story. I know that the window never closes for our kids. Intervention can help at any age (1.)... Continue Reading →

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